Frequently Asked Questions

You can find Daniel's in person availability, pricing and book a lesson directly though the button below.

What's the difference between skill training & technique training?

Skill training uses a certain, defined set of drills to get a repeatable result, technique training involves trying to replicate a certain outcome or technique.

What is the 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee?

Just what it says, if you're not happy with any of our lessons, you don't pay, period.

How do I send in my swing for Daniel to analyze?

Simply video your swing from down the line, (behind you) and from face on. Email the videos to Daniel @

Do you offer package or bulk discounts on lessons?


Some definitely do while most do not, see our list of endorsed training aids that are guaranteed to help.

Can I speak directly with Daniel to discuss my swing and my game before committing to lessons?

Of course, call Daniel @ 215-595-6299, he returns all calls within 24 hrs.

Does "The PAR Protocol" really work?

Yes, by implementing the appropriate Drill Protocol you can work through your swing challenges, simply, effectively and completely.