I've easily watched over 30 hours of YouTube to correct my hitting. I was constantly slicing. I told him, "With a slice like this one, I should work at the pizza shop!" Sooo annoying. He helped me to relax, get busy and improved upon whatever I already had going on. Technically I'm disabled with drop-foot, had several abdominal surgeries and a weak right hip. These details are important because I had no real hope, however..... after seeing the transformation that my nameless friend gained lol, I knew I had to meet with this guy. If he could fix that, I knew I needed to get over there! Let's just say after one lesson, I'm now hitting the ball with my 7 iron about 180+yds fairly straight. I was never able to use my driver without slicing and today the ball was straight and all the way to the fence! I'll be signing up for a class next week. Thanks a million Dan!!