Youth/Kids Lessons

Putting the "Fun" in Fundamentals

Sign up for kids golf lessons

How many times have you heard someone say "I sure wish I had started sooner!" on the course? Just like playing an instrument or learning a new language, children can pick up the golf swing remarkably fast. If you have a son or daughter interested in the game, now is the time to instill the right fundamentals that can last a lifetime. Schedule kids golf lessons today at Imagen Golf!

Partnering with Better Birdies, a national non-profit, we're proud to offer golf lessons for kids throughout. Your child will have a blast learning how to putt and swing in a fun and nurturing environment.

Develop an early love of the game

One of the easiest ways to keep a child interested in golf is to make learning the game fun and exciting. Once lessons get too rigid and serious, they'll likely move on to something else. That's why our golf lessons for kids include:

  • Summer clinics with snacks, lunch and mini-golf included
  • Golf sessions at Camp Curiosity
  • Driving range time

Once they show an interest in getting further into the game, then we can start with private kids golf lessons.

A young girl is laying on the grass holding a golf ball.
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