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Here's Today's Tip... Making Easy Pars!

Most golfers unconsciously make the game a lot harder than it has to be. Daniel Guest,Contributor Posted Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 11:28 pm ET It’s the rare few who know how to simplify each hole and make it look easy. So…what’s...

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Here's Today's Tip... 3 Simple Rules to Breaking 90, Guaranteed!!!

A lot of the golfers are pretty happy when they turn in a score in the 80's, and so can you if you just adopt these 3 simple rules. Daniel Guest,Contributor Posted Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 12:03 am ET Breaking 90 is a great goal for most...

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Here's Today's Golf Tip... Consistency.

If you're anything like me you are always on the lookout for tips and tricks that can help you shoot lower scores. Daniel Guest,Contributor Posted Sun, Sep 11, 2022 at 10:08 pm ET   One place I always turn to is the tour. By studying...

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Here's Today's Tip... Wind Directions.

Today let's talk about how to manage your game in windy conditions... When you're on the course and you feel the breeze begin to pickup one of the most important things to do is evaluate the direction it's blowing. Throwing a few blades...

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Here is This Week's Tip... Your Wedges

Few weekend golfers practice hitting wedges at less than full distances, but you face those shots all the time on the course. Pick three awkward distances — 30, 50 and 70 yards… and then hit five balls at each target. Give yourself a...

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Should You Detach Your Left Heel On Your Backswing?

Does Keeping Your Front Heel Down Help or Hurt? A popular question I get all the time for a right-handed golfer is whether the left heel should detach or stay grounded at the top of the backswing. My response? Both scenarios are OK as long as it is...

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Get a Better Golf Swing-Turn Better

The reverse pivot occurs in the backswing when the golfer's back leg straightens, and the body weight is shifted to the front leg and the upper body tilts toward the target. This motion inhibits amount of torque a golfer can create on the...

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Golf Practice - Stop Wasting Your Time on These Things

In anything you try to learn, you will always worry about the wrong things until you know what you should actually be worrying about. As they say, you don't know what you don't know. Since your goal is to get better consistently, you have...

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Know Your Carry Distance

Tour players are a different breed. They wake up every morning thinking about how they can shoot lower scores, and their practice and training regimens are on par with the highest performing athletes in the world. Not everything they do is...

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Swing Slower

In many ways, golf is a confusing game.  Want to make the ball curve to the right?  Swing to the left.  Want to make the ball fly high up into the air?  Swing down through the shot.   You get the idea.  Nothing is...

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