This simple drill from Justin Rose's short-game coach fixed my chipping woes

There's no need to sugarcoat it - I'm terrible with my wedges. Or, better said, I was terrible with my wedges. I'm still far from great, but I spent the last couple of months working on some things with teacher Jon Hearn, who works with Justin Rose on his short game, and I've seen great results. Luckily, the part where I've struggled the most, chipping, is where I've seen the best progress thus far. That's really all due to one drill, which Hearn shared with me and that I'll now share with you.

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3 Best Golf Drills For Beginners

Alright, you've taken a lesson or two and now you need to go to the driving range and practice. I started thinking about where I would put the most focus if I was brand new to the game of golf. As a result I came up with 3 golf drills for beginners that I'd start with if you're new to the game of golf or looking to get back to the basics. Simply going to the driving range without a plan and banging out a bucket of balls will do you more harm than good.

Each of these golf drills for beginners covers a different area of the game. For example, the first golf drill
for beginners focuses on the driving range while the other golf drills focuses on chipping and putting

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3 Golf Training Program Exercises You Can Do All Year Round

I used to live in Florida and as long as it wasn't raining, it's a golf day. Of course, we realize that everyone isn't this lucky. In many parts of the country, the golf season may be as short as six or seven months. We get asked all the time about how someone's workout should change from the fall to the winter to the spring and into summer. It's a great question because there are definitely things that you want to be doing in the off-season or pre-season that you might not want to be doing once you're out playing 18 on a regular basis.

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10 Short Game Drills For Improving Quicker

We all know that short game is where the scoring happens in golf, yet many golfers spend too much focus on their driver. Today, we want you to forget about your golf swing and just focus on your chipping and putting skills. By improving your short game, you will see your golf scores get lower. It's a fact. We compiled 10 challenging and fun short game drills for you to attempt different days at practice. To add pressure to yourself, keep track of your scores and try to beat your own records each time you attempt these short game drills.

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A Towel Drill That Helps You With Better Impact

Sometimes the simplest things can be used to make your golf swing better. That's certainly true of a standard bath towel, which has a lot of uses as a teaching tool. One of my favorites is using it to train good sequencing in the swing. Many amateurs struggle with the concept of completing the backswing and then starting down with gradual acceleration that puts the fastest part of the swing where it should be-through the impact zone. Instead, they rush through the backswing and the start of the downswing and get out of sync. Let me show you how a towel can correct that.

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Master Your Weight Transfer In the Backswing

Weight transfer is something that is hard to master in the golf swing but when done properly, you can unleash some insane power into the golf ball. Not only that, but your swing is in sync and the ball flies much straighter, which is also very important. So if you're confused about how to properly transfer your weight during the golf swing, let's start today by discussing weight transfer in the back swing. We will save weight transfer on the down swing for its own separate lesson.

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